In the UKKO Entrepreneur service, you can calculate the salary of a limited company entrepreneur easily and without additional fees. If there are several shareholders in your limited company, you can also calculate their salary without additional payment.
Please note that the UKKO Yrittäjä service can only calculate wages under YEL. Salaries subject to TyEL must be calculated in another salary program, such as After calculating the entrepreneur's salary, the system automatically creates expense vouchers for the salary and employer contributions, which you only need to pay and assign the payment transactions to the vouchers created by the system.
For the time being, it is not possible to calculate the employee's salary in the UKKO Entrepreneur service.
How to calculate entrepreneur’s salary
1. From the menu on the left, select Salaries and Add a salary
2. Add salaried person details
If you are calculating an entrepreneur's salary for the first time, fill in the requested information. The system saves the information for the next time, and in the future, you can select an entrepreneur directly from the buttons at the top of the form. The system automatically creates a new button for each entrepreneur whose information you add to the form.
Also add the salary payment date and indicate the salary period, i.e. the time interval from which the salary is paid. You can choose a payment date either for the current day or for the future. Please note that the salary period cannot exceed a calendar year.
3. Add tax card information
Add the entrepreneur’s tax card information or check the information already found in the system. Please note that due to our renewed salary calculation process, the calculation of salaries and other cumulative figures paid during the year has started from the beginning in our system on October 22, 2024, and the system does not automatically take previously paid salaries into account. To get the correct income limit in the system, you can order a new tax card from OmaVero, in which case the correct income limit will automatically be added to the tax card. Alternatively, you can deduct the total amount of wages accumulated up to the payday from the income limit of the tax card you are using.
4. Add salary information
Next, add the amount of the monetary salary and, if necessary, select a benefit or a reimbursable expense from the drop-down menu and add the amount to it. If the salary does not include benefits or allowances, leave benefits unchecked. You must choose a monetary wage to be able to add benefits.
If you are entitled to meal allowances, travel expenses or daily allowances, also attach a completed travel expense report Excel with detailed information required by the tax collector regarding travel invoices. You can find the travel invoice excel template in the payroll connection and in the system on the page "Reports and documents."
5. Check and create salary statement
Check the salary summary to make sure that the salary information is correct or return to edit previous selections if necessary. If the salary information is correct, create a salary statement and accept the salary. If you start calculating a salary and leave the salary calculation unfinished, a draft is created from the unfinished salary. You can edit the draft or delete it from the Salaries page.
The system automatically creates an expense voucher from your salary for both salary and employer benefits. NOTE: Do not create your own expense vouchers for the salary, because then we can't track the status of the salary, and the expense vouchers are left waiting to be processed. Pay the salary expenses on the payment day and assign the payment transactions to the vouchers. The notification to the income register will be sent out on the day of salary payment.
The salary appears in the salaries list as unnumbered in the status "Salary sent to payroll" until the system has finished calculating the salary and created expenditure vouchers from the salary. After this, the salary is updated to the status "Salary calculated, payment pending." When the salary has been paid in full and the payment has been allocated to the expense voucher created by the system, the salary moves to the status "Salary paid."
Assigning transactions
When you have paid the salary and employer contributions, allocate the payment transactions to the expenditure vouchers.
You can also assign a bank transaction to an expense receipt directly from the Account Transactions list by first pressing "Assign" and then selecting the salary expense to which you want to assign the bank transaction or part of it from the drop-down menu.
Correcting the salary afterwards (voiding of the salary)
If you have already calculated the salary, but you notice an error in it afterwards, you should void the already made salary and then create a new, corrected version. You can void the salary from the Salaries list from the menu on the right side.
After voiding the salary, a reverse salary calculation and a reverse expense voucher will be created from the salary for accounting purposes. The voided unpaid salary is shown in the payroll as shown below. After the invalidation, create and calculate a completely new salary in place of the invalidated salary with the correct information.
If you void a salary that has not yet been paid, no further action is required from you. The system automatically creates a reverse expense salary voucher and deletes the expenditure voucher for employer contributions from the salary. You only need to create a new salary to replace the invalid one if necessary.
If the original salary has already been paid and/or sent to the income register, you can also cancel the salary afterwards if necessary. In this case, we will also automatically make a cancellation notification of the salary to the income register.
If you have already paid the salary before its cancellation, we will create the necessary expenditure vouchers in the system. Return the paid salary to the limited company's account and assign the bank transaction to the receipt.