A business ID is like a personal ID for a company - it helps companies identify each other in official contexts. Each new company receives a business ID from the National Board of Patents and Registration or the tax authority. The Finnish business ID consists of seven digits, a hyphen and an eighth digit - "1234567-8", for example.
A person can only have one business ID
The business ID of a private trader entrepreneur is always personal and each private trader receives only one business ID. When your business operations end, your ID will remain reserved for you and you can reactivate it if you want to start the same or different business again.
When you register as a UKKO Entrepreneur, you may be notified that you already have a business ID. When starting a new business in the UKKO service, you must enter your old business ID if you have ever applied for a business ID for yourself. If your business ID has been discontinued, you will need to reactivate it - this is easily done with this YTJ form. After that, you can register for the UKKO service with your business ID and activate the service.
Where can I find my old business ID for the UKKO service?
If it has been a long time since you used your business ID you may not remember it and might have misplaced the info of your old company. You can start looking for your old business ID in the following ways:
- Log in to MyTax. You will see your business ID under "Taxpayer details".
- Search for your old company in YTJ's company search.
- Or log in to the YTJ service and check the business ID form your personal records.
- You will also see your business ID on the company founding notice, if you have it.