You can easily add your additional income to the service from the same place where you create an invoice for your customer. By additional income, we mean, for example, monthly payment terminal reports.
Remember that your sales report should show the VAT rate at which the sales were made!
1. Start by clicking on Incomes from the left menu ▶ then Add income at the top.
2. First, attach the sales report/cash receipt/invoice. You can upload files in PDF, JPG, or PNG format.
Make sure the receipts contain the necessary information. Below, you will find a list of requirements.
3. Briefly describe what you have sold and on which date you are adding the income in bookkeeping.
4. Complete the details for each line and mark any necessary deductions.
Break down your income by row. Select the correct type from the dropdown menu for each row. Also, choose who purchased the product or service, at what VAT rate the product/service was sold, and what the total amount was. Additionally, select any deductions related to the row if applicable. Such deductions may include, for example, rent deduction (discount) or Timma commission (sales commission).
5. Mark the income as paid
You can mark the income as paid in the Payment channel section -> Transaction -> select the appropriate transaction from the list. Save and exit.