What does an unfinished expense mean?
Unfinished expense means that one of the expenses you have added is missing some details, for example, there is no receipt or an explanation of how the expense relates to your company's business is missing. Alternatively, the expense may be incomplete if you have not yet marked it as paid. Expense may also be incomplete if the type of expense has not been recorded.
Fortunately, you can quickly and easily supplement these things directly into the UKKO system, like this:
1. You'll see all your pending expenses on your homepage when you are marking the month complete.
2. Process these pending expenses before accepting the month.
You can see all the pending expenses for that month by clicking the "process expenses" link on the home page with the monthly check. You can also see how many unprocessed expenses you have. Process these expenses before you mark the month to be ready for bookkeeping.