Creating sales invoices with UKKO Private Trader is easy in itself, but to make invoicing faster, you can create a product register for yourself.
You can add new products and edit existing ones from the dashboard on the left by clicking Products 🢂 New.
When adding a new product, you can specify what kind of product it is by providing additional details.
Under Sales, you can voluntarily add additional information about your product, whether or not it can be added to a sales invoice. You can use the advanced feature availability, for example, if you run an online store and some of your products are not available. You can also add the measurements of your product that appear on your sales invoice.
Pricing determines the price of your product, whether or not it includes VAT, the VAT rate of the product, and the price per piece. As an additional feature of product pricing, you can specify the time period your product is available for example if you want to sell your product at a promotional price for a certain period of time.
When you are making new invoice, you can search saved product data with entry or straight from drop-down menu.