You can pay the invoice in three different ways. When paying expenses within the UKKO service, the transaction is automatically allocated to the expense receipt, and you don't need to allocate it separately.
1. Within the UKKO service when adding an expense
When adding an expense to the service, in the final 'Payment Details' step, there is an option 'Pay from UKKO Business Account'. By selecting this option, you can pay the expense immediately after saving. You can set the payment to be made either immediately or in the future and review the details of the invoice you added from the 'View invoice' tab.
2. Within the UKKO service on the Expenses page
You can pay an e-invoice or a previously added invoice from the 'Expenses' page. Open the expense you want to pay and select 'Pay from UKKO Business Account'.
3. From the UKKO Business Account interface
You can also log in to the UKKO Business Account from the Transactions tab and make payments from the 'Transfer' section of the interface. To transfer money, you'll be asked for the recipient's name and bank account, after which you can confirm the payment via the link received through text message.