If you have to pay expenses of a limited liability company from your personal account and you want to be reimbursed by the company, you need to submit an expense reimbursement application. The application should include the details of the expense, the payer, the amount paid, and the justification for the payment. Additionally, the original purchase receipt must be attached.
The purpose of the expense reimbursement application is to document and justify why you had to pay the expense from your personal account. If you have multiple expenses, create a separate reimbursement request for each of them and include the details of the place of purchase. The application should be clear and include all necessary information.
An original purchase receipt or document should be attached as evidence of the expense and payment. This helps verify the accuracy of the expense and record it in the bookkeeping.
You can download a template for your travel and expense reimbursements here. Unfortunately at this time the document is only in Finnish.