When your company's financial year is coming to it's end, you'll receive emails from us regarding the actions and documents needed for the financial statement:
1. Please enter all expenses and income related to this financial year into the service. Regardless of whether you have paid an expense or received payment for income, all receipts related to this financial year should be added to the service.
2. Additionally, all other expenses for the current financial year, such as payroll expenses, travel expenses, mileage reimbursements, and daily allowances, should be added to the service.
3. Furthermore, we need the following information before finalizing the financial statement:
- Inventory of any sellable products in stock
- Details of any leasing agreements.
- Minutes of organized company meetings.
- Financial year-end balance statements dated as of the last day of the financial period for all bank accounts held in the company's name, obtained from your own bank. For UKKO Business Account balance statement is not needed.
- Note! A bank statement is not a balance statement; the balance statement must be separately requested from the bank and is always mandatory in the financial statements.
- Financial year-end balance statements for loans and installment payments obtained from your own bank or another lender.
- Note! If you have not previously provided us with the loan repayment schedule (i.e., a document showing all planned loan payments with amounts and dates), please also send it to us.
- A breakdown of the company’s shares, holdings, and funds.
- Cash balance.
- Average number of staff during the financial year.
- Terms and possible collateral for shareholder loans.
4. After you have added the receipts to the service and provided us with the information requested in step 3 by the 15th day of the month following the end of the financial year to the email address osakeyhtio@ukko.fi, we can proceed with your company's financial statement. We will notify you by email when the financial results are ready.
5. Before completing the financial statement, we will need the company board's decision regarding the handling of the financial results. Once you receive information about the financial results, please send us the minutes of the board meeting that includes the proposal for handling the results via email (osakeyhtio@ukko.fi) within one week of receiving the financial results.